6,000 tons of CO₂e out of our atmosphere with our new tree planting project
Our first batch of credits for our Community agroforestry project has already been retired and can never be re-sold.

Just the gist
Short on time? Here’s what you need to know for this update:
- 🌱 6,000 tons CO₂e already removed — Our first batch of credits with our Community agroforestry project has already been retired, and can never be re-sold.
- 👋 Greetings from our new tree planting project — We’re helping local farmers in Timor-Leste with reforestation and improved land management. Learn more in this welcome letter from the project CEO.
For more project updates, follow Wren on Twitter and Instagram.
6,000 tons CO₂e already removed
Although it’s a new project in our portfolio, our partners aren’t wasting any time. Our first batch of 6,000 carbon credits has already been retired! This means these credits are verified and attributed to all of you at Wren, so they can’t be re-sold, limiting the risk of double counting. You can see the certificates on the Community Agroforestry project page.
60% of each credit goes directly to the farmers as compensation for their time, while the remaining 40% funds land expansion, training, monitoring, research, project management, and administration. This framework encompasses two different layers of climate impact, as it offers both certified offsets and additional contributions.

Right now is a major time for research. The team is currently performing their annual carbon stock monitoring analysis at their historical sites. A big part of this process is measuring tree diameter at breast height (DBH) to track the growth, health, and carbon sequestration capacity of individual trees and their ecosystems. We’ll share the results as soon as we can!
It’s also a good time to count trees for both old and new related sites. Where trees aren’t reaching their expected growth or are dying, corrective actions are recommended, such as tree restocking.
A total of six nurseries have already been established in communities to propagate seedlings for restocking of underperforming sites. The species include mahogany, casuarina, red cedar, black teak and white teak trees. The actual restocking will be done from December 2023 through January 2024.
A full, validated report will be made available by Plan Vivo in March 2024, so be on the lookout!
Greetings from our new tree planting project
Our latest tree planting project, Community agroforestry, gives small-scale farmers in Timor-Leste the tools they need to restore their degraded ecosystems. Here is a personal thank you from the CEO.

Dear Wren,
Greetings of peace from Fundação COTI, Timor-Leste
We are so thrilled that you have decided to support our carbon sequestration project in Timor-Leste. Our project activities mainly involve community-based reforestation activities since 2010. Since then, more than 450,000 trees have been planted of which around 200,000 are currently under our carbon credit management. Our project has benefited more than 1,600 farming family members. Implementation and development of the initiative has been possible through support that you have chosen to provide.
Fundação COTI's main objectives are to grow communities that contribute and benefit from a better world by combating climate change impacts through community reforestation activities, sustainable socio-economic development activities, and carbon credit sales. Our targeted beneficiaries are rural smallholder farmers in communities in Timor-Leste, including villages along with coastal areas. Target beneficiaries also include students in private and public schools across the country but particularly in rural communities. Through collaborations with a range of local and international partners, FCOTI also provides training and additional services to the communities.

This carbon financing will go a long way to support tree maintenance and propagation but most importantly to pay our hard-working farmers in our co-benefit scheme that we have agreed with them. The project has generated employment, diversification of livelihoods and community empowerment, in addition to landslide and erosion control, soil and water conservation and biodiversity enhancement. Our aim is to improve the environment but also to help address poverty in disadvantaged communities. Our farmers earn carbon income for the carbon stored in trees for the next 30 years.
On behalf of our partners and especially our farmers, 50% of whom are illiterate, I would like to express our most sincere appreciation and gratitude for your support. I hope we can further strengthen our partnership long into the future.
Thank you,
Alexandre RB Sarmento
That's all for this update! As always, thank you for your support.
— the Wren team 🧡