State of the Fund: July '20
In July, our projects continue to adapt to the ever-changing COVID-19 environment

Hello Wren subscribers!
Thanks for supporting the Wren Climate Fund, a rotating collection of climate projects, curated by Wren, that sequester or prevent carbon emissions. Each month, we send a "State of the Fund" update which recaps progress projects in the fund have made recently. You can click through on any of the recaps to view the full project update.
July recap
In July, our projects continue to adapt to the ever-changing COVID-19 environment. Check out the updates below:

Project: Community Tree Planting
The Community Tree Planting project continues to adapt to COVID-19, and at this point has most of their tree monitoring back to pre-pandemic levels...

Project: Clean Cooking Fuel for Refugees
Production of briquettes is resuming in early August, and a new warehouse management software will roll out soon. We also got a first look at the briquettes in action (video).
Project: Regenerative Agroforestry
Cute little piglets have been born in the Scottish forest of our Regenerative Agroforestry project. Read the update to learn how pigs help sequester carbon!
That's it for the State of the Fund this month! Let us know what you think of this new fund style, compared to supporting individual projects on Wren.
-The Wren Team 🧡