State of the Fund: September '20
In September, our projects expanded on their operations—purchasing new land and starting new partnerships—and restarted programs previously halted by COVID-19

Hello Wren subscribers!
Thanks for supporting the Wren Climate Fund, a rotating collection of climate projects, curated by Wren, that sequester or prevent carbon emissions. Each month, we send a "State of the Fund" update which recaps the recent progress projects in the fund have made. Click "Read full update" on any of the recaps to see a more detailed report, including images, videos, and letters written by project leads, specifically for Wren supporters.
September recap
In September, our projects expanded on their operations—purchasing new land and starting new partnerships—and restarted programs previously halted by COVID-19. Check out the updates below:

🌲 Community Tree Planting
Grove monitoring & data collection restarts amid pandemic
- The Community Tree Planting project continues to adapt to COVID-19, and at this point has most of their tree monitoring back to pre-pandemic levels. All monitors are provided "COVID-19 Assistance Packs" containing masks and hand sanitizer.
- With monitoring and data collection up and running again, this update shares how monitors do their job, and where you can view the collected data on Wren.

🛰 Tech-enabled Amazon Rainforest Protection
Scaling up the project to neighboring communities
- Neighboring communities are recognizing the success of the pilot in Buen Jardín de Callarú and agreements have been reached to expand the project to two new community forests.
- New measures are being put in place to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in current and future project areas.

🐷 Regenerative Agroforestry
New land acquired in Scotland doubles agroforestry potential
- The new land effectively doubles the useable area for regenerative agroforestry practices.
- 2,500 trees were planted in August—a mix of alder and downy birch.
- The piglets featured in the previous update are now old enough to start weaning from their mothers, and some will be introduced to the newly acquired forest.
That's it for the State of the Fund this month. Email us at if you have any questions!
Ben Stanfield
Co-founder, Wren