An 84% decrease in deforestation—thanks to your support

Just the gist

Short on time? Here’s what you need to know for this update:

  • 🧡 Doing even more — Wren subscribers are helping Indigenous communities while saving the Amazon rainforest.
  • 📉 84% decrease in deforestation — 12 local communities have majorly reduced deforestation, thanks to your funding.

For more project updates, follow Wren on Twitter and Instagram.

Doing even more

Since October 2021, Wren supporters have been funding a new model of “Rainforest Alert” in Peru. The goal of this new model, which offers resource funding directly correlated to the amount of forest they protect, is to prepare local communities to manage their territory independently, making the project easier to scale.

This program model has been verified by the two-year peer-reviewed EGAP study, which you can read here.

Our partners on the ground have trained 38 new Indigenous monitors, 9 of whom are women. The program provides resources based on the amount of forest protected. These resources can cover basic necessities, infrastructure, titling procedures, and improved market access.

“Because RFUS primarily aims to equip communities for autonomous territory management, the technology and equipment we provided was also used within communities to demarcate their community borders, outline existing farms, and identify deforested land within their territory that could be utilized for additional farms instead of converting standing forests into agricultural land.”

Rainforest Foundation US

To help set up these communities for success, our partners have also implemented a workshop about democratically deciding how to use funds.

For protecting 179,255 acres of rainforest, the 12 pilot communities have received over $90,000 to improve their quality of life.

With this recent funding, the Indigenous locals have decided to invest in potable water systems, agroindustrial and solar energy equipment, and a communal boat to carry their commodities to market.

84% decrease in deforestation

In the last six months, Tech-enabled Amazon Rainforest Protection has protected 179,255 acres of tropical forest in the Amazon! The biggest threats to the area include loggers, extractive industrialists, and coca-growers—most of whom have been deterred from deforesting the area. It is uncomfortable, necessary work. We endlessly praise the Indigenous monitors, leaders, and patrols for everything they do.

Based on historic averages, these 12 communities have reduced local deforestation by a staggering 84%.  In some of these communities, deforestation rates have been reduced to zero.

Thanks to the success of this pilot period, the program is expected to expand to an additional 10-14 communities. With your continued support, we can expand to protect 540,000 more acres of forest, which would ensure a couple million metric tons of carbon capture each year.

Halting deforestation gives hope to these communities. In time, reforestation can further regenerate the ecosystem, ideally with valuable fruit species to strengthen their local economy. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright.

To scale, and to stay ahead of specific threats to the Amazon, we will need further research, strategizing, training, and execution. This project would not be possible without your help.

That's all for this update! As always, thank you for your support.
— the Wren team 🧡