Project update Protecting Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Child Health How we're addressing critical issues like carbon sequestration and providing co-benefits to local communities at the forefront of climate change.
Portfolio update Wren Classic Portfolio Update: January 2024 Exciting news from Timor-Leste, and how it impacts your portfolio 🌱
Project update How we’re removing carbon with bio-oil The Charm team sent along the following letter thanking Wren members for their support and provide some details about their work, including some new pictures sequestering carbon out in the field!
Project update Get to know our Adipic Acid project Our new partners are destroying greenhouse gases 273× more harmful than CO₂.
Project update Sequestering 12,000 tons of COâ‚‚e per year and seeing it in action Our project partner is exploring new biochar applications, and Wren took a field trip to a vineyard to see its effects.
Portfolio update New carbon removal solutions join Wren Classic (Nov 2023) We've added two new carbon removal solutions to the portfolio!
Wren news Wren's approach to *growing* trees for climate action By meticulously vetting *tree-growing* projects and emphasizing holistic restoration, Wren will avoid the common pitfalls of ill-planned tree-planting projects
Tree planting 6,000 tons of CO₂e out of our atmosphere with our new tree planting project Our first batch of credits for our Community agroforestry project has already been retired and can never be re-sold.
Project update 5,000 tons of COâ‚‚ set for removal, and a feature in Times Square Our project partner finished spreading enough basalt to remove thousands of tons of COâ‚‚, and is getting recognition for their efforts!
California Fund A look at our project’s recent community action for Amazon Rainforest Day 40+ Indigenous forest monitoring patrols helped identify primary routes for illegal loggers and local armed groups.
Project update 16,000+ tons of emissions avoided, thanks to your support We’ve successfully completed our first refrigerant destruction project with A-Gas!
Portfolio update The Wren Classic Portfolio is being updated! (Aug 2023) Empowering Timorese communities to plant 1000s of trees 🌱
Project update Conserving mangroves and saving turtles in Mexico Get up to speed on the new project’s mangrove monitoring System, Blue Spaces program, and turtle monitoring and conservation efforts.
Wren news The Wren Climate Portfolio is being updated! (July 2023) Reducing Nâ‚‚O emissions with adipic acid abatement.
Wren news Wren financial report: year four In Year 4, Wren brought in $4.2M to fund projects that reduce or remove COâ‚‚ emissions.
Project update A welcome from our newest refrigerant destruction partner The project technicians go out into the field and collect HFC gas for destruction before it leaks into the atmosphere. Learn more in this welcome letter from the project CEO.
California Fund Your support stops illegal logging in its tracks San Fernando patrollers catch illegal loggers red-handed and put a stop to their harmful activities.
Portfolio update The Wren Climate Portfolio is being updated! (May 2023) Introducing our newest nature-based solution and an update on portfolio allocations
Project update Wren visits our Refrigerant Destruction project partner Some of our team members visited A-Gas in Bowling Green, Ohio for an on-the-ground look at the project progress, including seeing the refrigerant destruction process first-hand.
Project update Mineral Weathering is on track to remove 1 million tons of COâ‚‚ by 2025 The project is making strides towards permanent carbon removal solutions, and major corporations are taking notice.
Portfolio update An update to the Wren Climate Portfolio (Apr. 2023) Refrigerant Destruction is growing with a new project partner.
California Fund An update from Buen JardÃn de Callarú This year, Wren supporters and other partners will finance two new centers in Lancha Poza and Tempestad.
Project update Advocating for Carbon Removal and Environmental Justice How Carbon180 is leading the charge in advocating for carbon removal and environmental justice, tackling the climate crisis head-on.
Biochar in California A boost in biochar production New equipment investments help Biochar in California ramp up to over 250 metric tCOâ‚‚e per week.
Wren news Wren leverages BeZero Carbon insights to improve carbon offset evaluation Wren recently made the decision to strengthen its carbon offset evaluation process by leveraging BeZero Carbon’s intelligence platform.