Clean Cooking Fuel Approval granted for hydroelectric power source for briquette production This month, Clean Cooking Fuel for Refugees received approval to connect to a nearby hydroelectric dam for a stable source of renewable energy!
Climate knowledge What is the difference between conservation and preservation? A hundred-year-old debate that pitched environmentalist against environmentalist still casts a shadow today.
Climate knowledge How can I eat sustainable food? The way we eat is simply untenable, for the climate and for the earth and for us. But what can we do?
Climate knowledge Why is there debate over climate change? It doesn't help to think of the climate debate as an us-versus-them battle. There are a wide variety of views on the topic—and to move forward, we need to find the places of agreement.
Climate knowledge A simple guide to the Paris Agreement The U.S. has dropped out of the Paris Agreement. Here's what that treaty is all about.
Climate knowledge What solutions can reduce deforestation? If we want to keep carbon out of the atmosphere, it's essential that we hold on to the world's trees. So what strategies work best?
Climate knowledge What is the Green New Deal? Think of the Green New Deal as a challenge: an attempt to raise the stakes of the climate conversation.
Climate knowledge How does a carbon tax work? Most economists agree that carbon taxes are effective. So why aren't there more of them?
Climate knowledge The many types of pollution Humans have a talent for tarnishing the earth. It's a problem we'll have to consider even as we fight climate change.
Project update State of the Fund: September '20 In September, our projects expanded on their operations—purchasing new land and starting new partnerships—and restarted programs previously halted by COVID-19
Climate knowledge A guide to non-renewable resources and the climate Non-renewable resources take eons to be replaced—sometimes longer than the entirety of human history. Still, some of these materials are essential in our quest to stop climate change.
Project update Grove monitoring & data collection restarts amid pandemic The Community Tree Planting project continues to adapt to COVID-19, and at this point has most of their tree monitoring back to pre-pandemic levels. All monitors are provided "COVID-19 Assistance Packs" containing masks and hand sanitizer.
Climate knowledge How to plant a tree Want to add a bit of carbon—and a lot of beauty—to your yard? Just plant a tree.
Climate knowledge Essential facts on deforestation The rate of cutting is slowing. Still, on average we're losing 270 square kilometers of forest each day.
Climate knowledge Climate solutions, pt. 2: What you can do Your carbon footprint is just one small piece of the puzzle, but your actions can illustrate the scale of the emergency.
Job Marketing Generalist [CLOSED] This position has been filled. Thank you for your interest in Wren!
Job Marketing Intern [CLOSED] Wren is hiring a full-time marketing intern to help us show everyone what they can do about the climate crisis.
Enhanced mineral weathering New land acquired in Scotland doubles agroforestry potential A letter from Jade Read, COO of the regenerative agroforestry project on Wren, talks about newly acquired land and the growth of piglets in Scotland.
Climate knowledge Climate solutions, pt. 1: Global priorities There is no silver bullet for the climate crisis. But there are some solutions we already know we need to pursue.
Climate knowledge A simple guide to the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol launched the first global effort to fight climate change. Behind its tangle of terminology, this treaty contains some easy-to-grasp ideas that still affect our approach today.
Climate knowledge What is happening to the polar ice caps? Ice shelves are crumbling. Sea ice is melting. It's opening a vast new world of economic possibility—and a whole lot of trouble, too.
Climate knowledge What is a carbon sink? Features of the natural landscape, from swamps and forests to certain kinds of rocks, can pull carbon from the sky. Can this help us avert disaster?
Climate knowledge Why is biodiversity important? Global warming is a threat to nonhuman life on this planet—which turns out to be one more threat to us, too.
Project update Scaling up the Tech-enabled Rainforest Protection project The protected rainforest area that Wren supporters have been funding, has completed almost a year of successful community forest protection, maintaining a 0% deforestation rate since mid-2019
Climate knowledge What does 'cap and trade' mean? Cap-and-trade initiatives use the logic of the marketplace to decrease emissions. The goal is to make cleaning up the atmosphere as cheap and easy as possible. But does it work?